Ada FAQ |
What is the home page for the Official Ada FAQ? |
What is the license of the Official Ada FAQ? |
Who maintains the Official Ada FAQ? |
Ada Compiler Questions |
Is there a GNU version of Ada? |
Is there a version of Ada for .NET? |
Is there a version of Ada for IBM OS/2 Warp? |
Is there a version of Ada for Linux? |
Is there a version of Ada for MacOS or OS X ? |
Is there a version of Ada for Windows? |
Is there an Ada compiler for the JVM (Java Virtual Machine)? |
Ada General Questions |
What is Ada? |
I heard tell that Ada was to blame for the Ariane V disaster. Is this true? |
I keep hearing that Ada is a "strongly typed language", but it seems different from what's meant in C++. Are they different? |
Is there a usenet newsgroup for Ada? |
Is there any scientific evidence that indicates Ada is more productive and/or safer than other languages? |
Isn't Ada less "elegant" than Eiffel? |
What is the history of Ada? |
What specific features does Ada have that makes it reliable? |
Where can I find out more about Ada 2005? |
Ada Programming Questions |
Are classes first class objects? |
Can I create Web Services and SOAP objects with Ada? |
Can I use Active X controls with Ada? |
Can I use CORBA with Ada? |
Can you access super methods? |
Does Ada have an XML parser? |
Does Ada have automatic constructors and destructors? |
Does Ada have multiple inheritance? |
Does Ada provide Strings facilites or a string library? |
How do I print an Integer, Float, enumeral using Text_IO or otherwise obtain a string representation of a scalar type? |
Is it possible to use COM/DCOM from Ada? |
What about the "Ripple Effect"? |
What is meant by upcasting/expanding and downcasting/narrowing? |
What is the "Beaujolais Effect"? |
What is the difference between a class-wide access type and a "general" class-wide access type? |
Where can I find an Ada bindings for X? |
Why are Controlled types so, well, strange? |
Why does Ada have "tagged types" instead of classes? |
Why doesn't Ada use 'dot' notation for OO? | |
What is |
Can I help with |
How do I submit articles, packages for reuse, example code, tutorials, FAQs, links, etc. to |
When did AdaPower start? |
Who runs |
comp.lang.ada |
Is it acceptable to post job openings to this newsgroup? |
Learning Ada |
Are there any Ada books on-line? |
Is there a review of Ada books? |
Where can I find sample Ada code? |
Where can I find the Ada reference manual and standards? |
Where can I learn about Ada? |
How do I join TEAM-ADA? |
What is TEAM-ADA? |