Ada Chat |
#ada | | Ada IRC Channel #ada on |
Ada Mail Lists | | Listing of known Ada E-Mail Lists to Join |
comp.lang.ada | | comp.lang.ada - Is the usenet home Ada discussion group |
Ada Associations |
ACAA | | Ada Conformity Assessment Authority |
ACM SigAda | | The ACM Special Interest Group for Ada |
Ada Belgium | | Belgium Ada Association |
Ada Europe | | European Ada Association |
Ada France | | French Ada Association |
Ada Germany | | German Ada Association |
Ada UK | | UK Ada Association |
ARA | | The Ada Resource Association |
World Ada Associations | | Listing of World Wide Ada Associations |
Ada Compiler Vendors |
A Sharp | | A# - Ada for Microsoft's .NET and the cross platform Mono |
AdaCore Technologies | | AdaCore offers GNATPro professional support for the GNU Ada compiler, GNAT |
Aonix | | Aonix makers of ObjectAda |
AVR Ada | | Ada for the AVR Microcontroller |
DDC-I | | DDC-I Ada Compiler |
GNU Ada Homepage | | Ada compilers for older GNU (and not so GNU) systems |
Green Hills | | Green Hills Software Ada 95 Compiler |
HP | | HP Ada on OpenVMS |
IBM | | IBM - Rational Ada Developer |
Irvine Compiler | | Irvine Compiler - Ada Compilers |
JanusAda | | RR Software - Janus/Ada 95 |
MacAda | | Mac OS X and Classic Ada Compiler |
PowerAda | | OC Systems PowerAda |
sofcheck | | SofCheck |
Ada Directories |
Ada World | | Ada Resource Locator |
AdaPower | | Ada Power - The Ada Home Page |
Cetus Links | | Cetus Links OO Language Page - Ada |
HitMill | | HitMilL Ada Programming Directory |
Ada Information |
Ada Answers | | AdaCore Technologies' Ada Information Resource |
Ada in Russia | | The Ada Russian Resource |
Ada in Switzerland | | The Ada Swiss Resource |
Ada Information Clearinghouse | | Information on Ada from the ARA |
Ada Project List | | List of major software projects using Ada |
Book Reviews | | Michael B. Feldman's Ada Book Reviews |
LGL | | LGL - Ada Resources |
SigAda Education | | Ada Resource for Educators and Students |
Top 10 Myths About Ada | | The truth about Ada |
WikiBooks | | Ada Programming entry in WikiBooks |
Wikipedia | | Wikipedia Information on Ada |
Ada News |
Ada Events | | Conference announcements for the international Ada community |
Ada Software Repositories |
Ada in Astrophysics | | The Ada in Astrophysics Homepage |
AdaBasis | | An ancient repository of old Ada code |
Burks | | The Brighton University Resource Kit for Students Ada Page |
PAL | | The 1995 Ada CD from Walnut Creek based on the PAL - Public Ada Library |
SourceForge | | Ada Projects on SourceForge |
Win32Ada | | Jerry's Ada on Win32 Page |
Ada Tools Vendors |
CLAW | | RR Software - CLAW Ada 95 Windows Bindings |
GNAVI | | The GNU Ada Visual Interface - The Open Source Answer to Delphi and VB |
GrammaTech | | Ada-ASSURED from GrammaTech |
McCabe Software | | Software Testing, Quality Assurance and Configuration Management solutions |
Object Interface | | Object Interface - Ada 95 CORBA |
PolySpace | | PolySpace - Detection of Run-Time Errors at Compile Time |
RTEMS | | RTEMS - Real Time OS in Ada |
SciTools | | Tools to Understand Ada Source Code |
SofCheck | | SofCheck |
Software Improvements | | Software Improvements Pty Ltd, Australian Ada vendor of compilers and analysis tools offering international Ada training and development. |
SPARK | | Praxis High Integrity Systems - SPARK |
XInAda | | Top Graph'X - Corba, X and Motif for Ada 95 |
Ada Training and Consulting |
AdaLog | | AdaLog Ada Training and Consulting |
AdaWorks | | AdaWorks Training and Consulting |
JRA | | John Robinson and Associates - Training |
Pyrrhus Software | | Ada training and SPARK distribution & training in the USA |
Software Arts and Sciences | | Software Arts and Scientists Ada Training and Consulting |