All |
Ada LDAP | Binding to Open LDAP |
Ada ZLib | Ada Binding to ZLib (Dmitriy Anisimkov) |
AdacURL | Binding to cURL - a multiprotocol file transfer library (Andreas Almroth) |
AdaGPGME | Thin Ada95 binding to GNUPG Made Easy ( - The GNU Privacy Guard) (Andreas Almroth) |
BLAS | Ada binding to the "BLAS", a Fortran library of Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms |
FFTW_Ada | An Ada 95 binding to the FFTW library for computing the Fast Fourier transform |
OpenALada | OpenAL (Audio Library) bindings. |
Pipes | Ada Binding to Pipes (Jim Rogers) |
Java |
Cafe 1815 | Ada Binding to Program Java Native Methods |
Languages |
AdaCLIPS | AdaClips is a semi-thick Ada binding to the public-domain CLIPS expert system shell. |
AdaLua | Binding to the Lua extension language |
Linux |
DLib | Binding to Linux's dynamic library support, allowing Ada 95 programs to load libraries at runtime |
Linux/Unix |
AdaSockets | This interface lets you use BSD sockets from Ada (TCP, UDP and multicast). |
Florist | Ada 95 POSIX Bindings |
OS2 |
AdaOS2 | GNAT for OS2 and Bindings to OS2 |
SunOS |
AA.SunOS | Ada Bindings to parts of SunOS (Andreas Almroth) |
Windows - Non-GUI |
Win32 Joystick Bindings (Jeffrey Boulais) |
AdaSockets Win32 | AdaSockets for Windows 32 (Pascal Obry) |
com_ports | Binding to com ports on Win32 (Stephen Leake) |
JoyStickWin32 | Win32 Joystick Bindings (Jeffrey Boulais) |
POSIX Win32 | Ada POSIX bindings for Win32 (Pascal Obry) |
WinSock2 | Binding to Winsock2 (James Winters) |