Compilers |
GNAT | The greatest example of Ada is Ada itself. GNAT the GNU Ada Compiler is written in Ada and all sources are available. |
Examples |
99Bottles | 99 Bottles of Beer |
99BottlesTasking | 99 Bottles of Beer Tasking |
Games |
BlackBox Master | BlackBox is a reasoning game. The player fires electrons into the "Black Box" and tries to deduce where the Atoms are, based on where the electrons come out if they do. |
LinXtris | LinXtris is a multi-platform Tetris clone written in Ada95 and Gtkada |
Mine Detector | PragmAda Software Engineering is proud to provide Mine Detector, an intellectually challenging game. Unlike other mine-finding games, Mine Detector never requires guessing. |
Mine Detector CLAW | CLAW version of the PragmAda Mine Detector (Tom Moran) |
Othello | Othello using GtkAda |
Small | Text Adventure - from the Lovelace Tutorial (David Wheeler) |
Textris | ANSI Text Mode Tetris Clone |
Tic | Simple Tic Tac Toe game with crude text graphics and no error checking. (Samir) |
Math |
AdaCalc | Ada Calculator (Eugene Nonko) |
Other |
BUSH | BUSH, the Business Shell, is a powerful Linux/UNIX shell written in and based on the Ada language for designing secure, reliable shell scripts that can be later compiled as a fast executable programs. |
Tasking |
Dining Philosophers | Demonstrates Tasking - Requires CLAW (Tom Moran) |
Web |
adagio | Gnutella2 protocol server |
AdaImgSvr | Personal or corporate Picture Web Server that let's you browse digital pictures, and if you're connected to the web, shared the pictures with all your friends. |
Allegra | IRC bot written in Ada |
Mail Hail | Mail Hail is a mail notification agent for the Jabber instant messaging server. |
Webcheck | Webcheck automatically checks links on a web page for validity, and reports errors in a format that Gnu Emacs (and other IDEs) can use to bring up the source html files to be fixed. |