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Memory Management with Storage Pools - Update (Anh Vo)

Memory management can cause real headache due to memory leakage over time. That is, memory allocation not properly deallocated after calls. When the memory runs out, the result could be catastrophic for some applications. In fact, how many times in a week does Windows 95/98/NT have to be rebooted due to memory leakage. This problem will be a thing of the past because of the powerful Ada 95 feature of, storage pools. With storage pools heap memory is not longer needed. A fixed amount of elements can be specified either in the code or read in from a configuration file during elaboration. Therefore, this number can be adjusted according to the needs of the application. From that point on no additional memory is ever needed as long as the program is running. Thus, memory leakage never occurs as a result. Even if the program does have memory leakage, storage pools will print out how many elements were leaked at the end of the program. With this memory leakage detection capability, the programmer can tell if his program needs to be fixed or not. As long as the storage pools are not exhausted, the storage pools resources will be claimed and returned to the operation system once the program is no longer running. Once again, the operating system does not need to be reboot. Of course, it is desired to fix the program if it contains memory leaks. Finally, if the program works perfectly, storage pools also say so at the end of the program.


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