This key holds the following values:
(REG_EXPAND_SZ) EventMessageFile value: [application filename]
(REG_DWORD) TypesSupported value: 7
Note: The [application filename] must contain the complete path + file specification.
The next thing to do is to write a file to hold the predefined message strings:
;// -- log_event.mc ------------------------------------------------------------
;// This file contains predefined messages
;// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;// Information Messages
Hello world (%1!s!).
compile this file using the message compiler MC.EXE and also generate a header file to show the event-id's that you need to pass with the ReportEvent function.
mc -o log_event.mc
Now you have a log_event.rc resource file that you need to compile to get a linkable object file.
rc -r -dWin32 -fo log_event.tmp log_event.rc
Convert the object file using cvtres.exe and delete the temporary file
cvtres -i386 log_event.tmp -o log_event.rbj
del log_event.tmp
The resulting .RBJ file can be linked with your application. Here's an example application that logs an event.
with System;
with Text_IO;
with Win32;
with Win32.Winbase; use Win32.Winbase;
with Win32.Winnt; use Win32.Winnt;
use type System.Address;
use type Win32.DWORD;
procedure Log_Event is
pragma Linker_Options ("log_event.rbj");
type LPSTR_Array is array (natural range <>) of aliased Win32.LPCSTR;
WindowsNT : Boolean;
hEventSource : Win32.Winnt.HANDLE;
lpszStrings : aliased LPSTR_Array (1 .. 1); -- Parameter(s) to the message
fResult : Win32.BOOL;
dwEvent_Id : Win32.DWORD := Win32.DWORD (16#40000000#);
Service_Name : String := "Log_Event";
Message : String := "Event";
WindowsNT := (Win32.Winbase.GetVersion < 16#80000000#);
if not WindowsNT then
Text_IO.Put_Line ("Eventlogging only supported on Windows NT");
--internal name of the service
RegServiceName : constant String := Service_Name & ascii.nul;
CMessage : constant String := Message & ascii.nul;
-- Use event logging to log the error.
hEventSource := Win32.Winbase.RegisterEventSource
(NULL, -- On local machine (otherwise supply
-- UNC name of the NT server)
Win32.Addr (RegServiceName)); -- Name of source (in registry)
lpszStrings(1) := Win32.Addr (CMessage);
--lpszStrings(2) := Win32.Addr (...);
if hEventSource /= System.null_address then
fResult := Win32.Winbase.ReportEvent
(hEventSource, -- handle of event source
wType, -- event type
0, -- event category
dwEvent_Id, -- event ID
System.null_address, -- current user's SID
lpszStrings'Length, -- strings in lpszStrings
0, -- no bytes of raw data
lpszStrings(1)'access, -- array of error strings
System.null_address); -- no raw data
fResult := Win32.Winbase.DeregisterEventSource(hEventSource);
Text_IO.Put_Line ("Unable to register the eventsource");
end if;
end if;
end Log_Event;
Next compile and link this program. In this case I used GNAT 3.11. Other compilers may have a different way to link
resources to the executable.
gnatmake log_event
Now use the Regedit32 registry editor and create the key:
(REG_EXPAND_SZ) EventMessageFile value: c:\...\Log_Event.exe
(REG_DWORD) TypesSupported value: 7