Do you mean "call the operation of the type's parent"?
The answer is yes, by converting the object to the parent type, and then invoking the operation.
For example, suppose I have some special kind of bounded stack:
package Stacks.Bounded_G.Special_G is
type Stack_Type is new Bounded_G.Stack_Type with private;
procedure Push (...);
-- instantiate the special stack package --
Now let's call the parent Push operation:
Stack : Integer_Stacks.Bounded.Special.Stack_Type;
Push (1234, On => Bounded.Stack_Type (Stack));
Even though the Stack object is of specific type Special.Stack_Type, which has its own version of Push, the Push operation of its parent is invoked.
No, Ada95 does not have a way to say "invoke my parent's operation."
(Matthew Heaney)