ACDE - Configuration Management

Michael Erdmann

January 23, 2000 - 08:51

Status: Unstable



This document contains the configuration management issues regarding the ACDE implementation.


The ACDE environement is based upon the usage of the rcs system. There is a strict distinction between the delevelopment version and a released version. A release version is a labeld set of source files which is released under the label name to the public. Based upon make files and release name labels in the rcs is is always possible to reproduce a certain release version.

The ACDE environment always releases the source code and the executable package at the same time. The name of these packages is always:



The binary distribution contains the config files as well.

The ACDE environment has the following directory structure:


Contains all exported packages


Central repository with RCS files for all ACDE components.


Build directory


This is the build for a certain release version.


The source directory caontains all source components (Ada95, SQL, config files etc..).


Source Code of the Component Library

The Makefile located in the ../Source directory allows to perform the following functions

Test Build and installation

The test build always represents a ditribution based upon the currently available sources. A test build may be started from the source directory by excuting the command:

make export

In order to perform tests, i.e. with the cgi processes an installation step has to follow, i.e. as root;

cd ../Export

For other processes which may be tested localy no installtion is needed.

Checking in a certain release

During the lifecycle of the ACDE software certain releases will be distributed for test of public usage. Such a release does represent a snapshot of the whole development environement a a certain time. Such a snapshot will be labeld with a name. In order to generate such an release the following command has to be executed in the root directory of the ACDE environement.

make checkin REL=<release name>

After this command has been entered, a tag maybe added to the global makefile in order to simplify the rebuild i.e.

$(MAKE) rebuild REL=V6test

Building a release

Building of a certain release will be done by the command:

make rebuild REL=<release name>

If a tag with the release name has been inserted as shown in the previous chapter into the Makefile, then simply type

make <release name>

The rebuild process creates a ../Build directory where all source components of the software release are checked out, and a directory ../<release name>Export is created where all the result files are stored. The installation and package production may be done from this directory as already described.

Building a distribution package

In order to build a package for distribution and installation the following commands have to be executed in the Source or ./Build directory:

make distribution

This will create a file ../Distribution/acde-dist.tar.gz which contains all components of the ACDE system. UNpacking the tar file will yield in the following directory structure:



The installtion of of the ACDE software is done either from the ../Export, ../Build directory created by the unpacking of a distribution or by the test build by executing as root the installtion command:


During the process of installtion, the user will be asked to reinstall the data base if it is already present. If the answer is yes the old database will be droped an the data will be lost!
