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A.9 The Generic Package Storage_IO

  1. The generic package Storage_IO provides for reading from and writing to an in-memory buffer. This generic package supports the construction of user-defined input-output packages.

    Static Semantics

  2. The generic library package Storage_IO has the following declaration:
  3. with Ada.IO_Exceptions;
    with System.Storage_Elements;
       type Element_Type is private;
    package Ada.Storage_IO is
       pragma Preelaborate(Storage_IO);
  4.    Buffer_Size : constant System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Count
         := implementation-defined;
       subtype Buffer_Type is
         System.Storage_Elements.Storage_Array (1..Buffer_Size);
  5.    -- Input and output operations
  6.    procedure Read (Buffer : in      Buffer_Type;
                       Item   :     out Element_Type);
  7.    procedure Write(Buffer :    out Buffer_Type;
                       Item   : in     Element_Type);
  8.    -- Exceptions
  9.    Data_Error : exception renames IO_Exceptions.Data_Error;
    end Ada.Storage_IO;
  10. In each instance, the constant Buffer_Size has a value that is the size (in storage elements) of the buffer required to represent the content of an object of subtype Element_Type, including any implicit levels of indirection used by the implementation. The Read and Write procedures of Storage_IO correspond to the Read and Write procedures of Direct_IO, See section A.8.4 The Generic Package Direct_IO, but with the content of the Item parameter being read from or written into the specified Buffer, rather than an external file.


  11. (21) A buffer used for Storage_IO holds only one element at a time; an external file used for Direct_IO holds a sequence of elements.

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