Creating Instances of COM objects with IClassFactory

The following is a modification of the beep client program found else where on the site. This version uses IClassFactory to construct the COM object instead of CoCreateInstance.

The IDL for the COM onject can be seen here.
A binary of the COM object can be downloaded from here.
The COM object created in Ada is found here.
A zip of the COM source code (in C++) can be downloaded from here.

To install the COM object on your system type:

	regsvr32 beep.dll

ObjectAda Notes:

To compile under ObjectAda remove the pragma Linker_Options and insure that your project includes the following directories in the project search path:

with win32.objbase; use win32.objbase;
with win32.winerror;
use type HRESULT;
with interfaces.c; use interfaces.c;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with system;

procedure ComBeep2 is

pragma Linker_Options("-lole32");

   -- IID for IBeep
   IID_IBeep         : aliased IID := (16#0FE0EE22#,16#8AA2#,16#11d2#,
                         Char'Val(16#00#),Char'Val(16#01#)) );

   -- Class ID of an object to create that has an interface to IBeep
   CLSID_BeepClass   : aliased CLSID := (16#0FE0EE21#,16#8AA2#,16#11d2#,
                         Char'Val(16#00#),Char'Val(16#01#)) );
   -- IID for IClassFactory
   IID_IClassFactory : aliased IID := (16#00000001#,16#0000#,16#0000#,
                         Char'Val(16#00#),Char'Val(16#46#)) );

   -- Interface IBeep
   type IBeep;
   type Pointer_To_IBeep is access all IBeep;

   -- C++ style VTBL of methods in the IBeep Interface
   type IBeepVtbl;
   type Pointer_To_IBeepVtbl is access all IBeepVtbl;

   -- Create method prototypes for IBeep
   -- Don't forger that first argument of C++ methods is C++'s this pointer

   -- IUnkown
   -- IBeep "interface inherits" from IUnkown and therefore requires those
   -- methods also.

   type af_IBeep_QueryInterface is access function (
      This     : access IBeep;
      riid     : REFIID;
      ppvObject: access Win32.PVOID)
      return HRESULT;

   pragma Convention(Stdcall, af_IBeep_QueryInterface);

   type af_IBeep_AddRef is access function (
      This: access IBeep)
      return Win32.ULONG;
   pragma Convention(Stdcall, af_IBeep_AddRef);

   type af_IBeep_Release is access function (
      This: access IBeep)
      return Win32.ULONG;
   pragma Convention(Stdcall, af_IBeep_Release);

   -- IBeep
   -- IBeep only has one method called Beep that sounds a beep and display a
   -- message box.

   type af_IBeep_Beep is access function (
      This: access IBeep)
      return HRESULT;
   pragma Convention(Stdcall, af_IBeep_Beep);

   -- IBeep just contains a pointer to its VTBL
   type IBeep is
         lpVtbl: Pointer_To_IBeepVtbl;
      end record;

   -- IBeepVtbl contains pointers to all the methods IBeep interfaces to.
   type IBeepVtbl is
         QueryInterface: af_IBeep_QueryInterface;
         AddRef        : af_IBeep_AddRef;
         Release       : af_IBeep_Release;
         Beep          : af_IBeep_Beep;
      end record;

   -- Normally Ada passes by reference non scalar types, so we need the
   -- following:
   pragma Convention(C_Pass_By_Copy, IBeep);
   pragma Convention(C_Pass_By_Copy, IBeepVtbl);

   -- Conversion functions to make the compiler happy.
   function To_LPOLESTR is
       new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (wchar_array, LPOLESTR);
   function To_LPUNKNOWN is
       new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (system.address, LPUNKNOWN);
   function To_LPCLASSFACTORY is
       new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (system.address, LPCLASSFACTORY);
   function To_Pointer_To_IBeep is
       new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Win32.PVOID, Pointer_To_IBeep);

   RetPointer             : aliased Win32.PVOID;
   hr                     : HRESULT;
   ClassFactoryInterface  : LPCLASSFACTORY;
   BeepInterface          : Pointer_To_IBeep;
   refcount               : Win32.ULONG;
   com_error              : exception;

   put_line("Initialize Com Libraries");
   hr := CoInitialize(system.null_address);
   if hr /= S_OK then
      raise com_error;
   end if;

   put_line("Use CoGetClassObject to get IClassFactory of Beeper Class");
   hr := CoGetClassObject(CLSID_BeepClass'unchecked_access,
   if hr /= S_OK then
      raise com_error;
   end if;

   put_line("Convert return pointer to pointer to IClassFactory");
   ClassFactoryInterface := To_LPCLASSFACTORY(RetPointer);

   put_line("Use class factory to construct IBeep");
   hr := ClassFactoryInterface.lpvtbl.CreateInstance(ClassFactoryInterface,

   put_line("Convert return pointer to pointer to IBeep");
   BeepInterface := To_Pointer_To_IBeep(RetPointer);

   put_line("Release class factory");
   refcount := ClassFactoryInterface.lpvtbl.Release(ClassFactoryInterface);

   hr := BeepInterface.lpvtbl.Beep(BeepInterface);
   if hr /= S_OK then
      raise com_error;
   end if;

   put_Line("Release IBeep Interface");
   refcount := BeepInterface.lpvtbl.Release(BeepInterface);

   put_line("Uninit COM Libs");
end ComBeep2;

Contributed by: David Botton
Contributed on: March 4, 1999
Last updated on: March 7, 1999
License: Public Domain