NIST validated SHA-1

What is this?

   This software is the SHA-1 software that passed NIST validation on
   September 20th. probably
   has more inforation.  This NIST validation is documented at:
   The standard for SHA-1 is documented at:
   This code implements the FULL standard, and can hash bytes or
   arbitrary bits, or any combination thereof. 
   This code includes all the test routines, and even the driver
   programs that processed the files for the NIST tests.

What does it assume:

   It assumes that your venders Interfaces library has Unsigned_32.
   The test routines also assume that Interfaces includes Unsigned_8

What use can I make of this? (LICENCE RESTRICTIONS)

   You may use this code in your projects (commercial or otherwise)
   subject to the understanding that you give appropriate credit
   to me in the documentation. And that you understand that there
   is no warrenty, implied or otherwise, on this software.

   An example appropriate credit is:
       This product uses code for SHA-1 written by John Halleck,
       which is being used by his permission.


   If you do use it, I'd appreciate hearing what use it is being
   put to.

   If you have feedback, I'd be interested in hearing about it.
Download sha-1.tar.gz
Contributed by: John Halleck
Contributed on: November 21, 2000
License: See Above
