with Ada.Command_Line;
use  Ada.Command_Line;

with MD5.Driver;

procedure MD5.Test is

  -- Authors   Rolf Ebert,
  --           Christoph Grein <Christ-Usch.Grein@T-Online.de>
  -- Version   1.1
  -- Date      16 January 1999
  -- Run the MD5 driver.
  -- Arguments (may be in any combination):
  --   -sstring - digests a string
  --   -t       - runs time trial
  --   -x       - runs test script
  --   filename - digests file
  --   (none)   - digests standard input
  -- This is a direct translation into Ada of the C language Reference
  -- Implementation given in the official MD5 algorithm description.
  -- It was originally written by Rolf Ebert (unknown address).
  -- [See parent package for a reference to the official description.]
  -- History
  -- Author Version   Date    Reason for change
  --  R.E.    1.0  04.06.1997 Original as found in internet
  --  C.G.    1.1  16.01.1999 Minor code changes;
  --                          commented to make publication legal


  if Argument_Count > 0 then
    for I in 1 .. Argument_Count loop
      if Argument (I)(1..2) = "-s" then
        MD5.Driver.Digest_String (Argument (I)(3 .. Argument (I)'Last));
      elsif Argument (I) = "-t" then
      elsif Argument (I) = "-x" then
        MD5.Driver.Digest_File (Argument (I));
      end if;
    end loop;
  end if;

end MD5.Test;

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